Satellite Tracking 🛰️

View the International Space Station (ISS), Chinese Space Station (Tiangong, 天宮, Tiāngōng), Starlink SpaceX, NOAA, GOES, Geo, Amateur Radio, weather, and other orbiting satellites!

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Track the International Space Station (ISS)

February 9, 2025 - The International Space station orbits about 418 km above the earth and typicall has a crew of 5-11 people. The orbital inclination is 51.64°. The ISS is seen very easily with the naked-eye at night and carries amateur radio gear.

International Space Station (ISS)

Track the Chinese Space Station (English: Tiangong, Chinese: 天宮, pinyin: Tiāngōng)

February 9, 2025 - The Chinese Space Station orbits about 384 km above the earth and typically has a crew of 3-8 people. Tiangong is very easy to see with the naked-eye. Amateur radio equipment is expected to be added this year.

Chinese Space Station (English: Tiangong, Chinese: 天宮, pinyin: Tiāngōng)

ISS FM Crossband Repeater

September 2, 2020 - The International Space Station now has a FM voice crossband repeater available for amateur radio operators to transmit through. Anyone is welcome to listen to downlink signals.

Transceiver: space-modified JVC Kenwood D710GA

Transmitter power: 50 watts

Uplink: 145.990 MHz
Access Tone: 67 Hz
Downlink: 437.800 MHz

International Space Station (ISS)

Gray Line Ham Clock

February 3, 2025 - If you are interested in HF DX spots, reception reports of your signals, and plotting them on a 3D globe or 2D Mercator map, check out our application Gray Line Ham Clock in the app store.

For more details, you can reference the documentation site which has lots of illustrations here.

2D Mercator and 3D Globe.

SDR# PlugIn

July 1, 2023 - We now have a plugin for SDR# (AirSpy) that allows the Satellite Tracking program (Windows version, pending testing) to communicate to the application and change the frequency and mode for reception (RX) of signals.

Download and place the file SDRSharp.SpaceStation22.dll into the SDR# installation's Plugins directory and restart SDR# accept the Windows Defender Firewall prompt (click both check boxes and Allow Access).

In SDR# go to Main Menu -> Plugins -> Satellites: Satellite Tracking Plugin. You will then see this UI below: SDR# Plugin

The MD5 checksum of the dll can be confirmed with this Windows command:

certutil -hashfile SDRSharp.SpaceStation22.dll md5

MD5 hash of SDRSharp.SpaceStation22.dll: 9fee28bd53db79d1a078e7c6e1aa88c3

IO-117 (GreenCube)

July 13, 2022 - The GreenCube satellite, also known as IO-117 by amateur radio operators, is a 3U CubeSat platform aimed at demonstrating an autonomous biological laboratory for plants cultivation. It is in a MEO 6000 km orbit giving over an hour of visibility. The satellite project is managed by the S5Lab research team at Sapienza University of Rome.

The satellite implements a 100 milliwatt 300 and 1200 baud GMSK packet system on:

Uplink: 435.310 MHz
Downlink: 435.310 MHz

IO-117 (GreenCube)

DOSAAF-85 (RS-44)

April 30, 2020 - The DOSAAF-85 (RS-44) satellite has been switched on for amateur radio use. It sports an inverting transponder for SSB and CW. The satellite still seems to be attached to the Breeze K/M rocket booster and experiences deep communication fades (QSB).

Beacon: 435.605 MHz – transmits CW call sign RS44

The satellite implements a 5 watt inverting transponder.

Uplink: 145.965 MHz +/- 30 kHz
Downlink: 435.640 MHz +/- 30 kHz


SpaceX Starlink Constellation

May 24, 2019 - The first batch of 60 SpaceX Startlink satellites are launched into orbit. The constellation should consist of about 12,000 satellites when fully deployed.

SpaceX Starlink

Es'hail 2 QO-100

November 15, 2018 - The Es'hail 2 satellite launches on SpaceX's Falcon 9 flight 63. On board along with the commericial transponders is the amateur radio QO-100 transponder. It is the first geosynchronous amateur radio satellite transponder. Use of the transponder for radio operators opened up in February 2019.

QO-100 Tracking


February 20, 1986 - Mir was a space station that operated in low Earth orbit from 1986 to 2001, operated by the Soviet Union and later by Russia. Mir was a scientific space station allowing studies in many difference scientific fields. Amateur radio operations were done from several operators U0MIR, U1MIR, U2MIR, U3MIR, U4MIR, and U5MIR on-board to amateurs around the world.


OSCAR 7 (AO-7)

November 15, 1974 - AO-7 is the second Phase 2 AMSAT satellite launched. After launched it remained operation until 1981 when the satellite had battery failure. After 21 years of silence the satellite was heard again on June 21, 2002. AO-7 is the oldest amateur radio satellite currently operating. It works well in Mode B (70cm up and 2m down), but if too much uplink power is given, it flips the satellite in Mode A (2m up and 10m down).

Oscar 7 (AO-7)


October 15, 1972 - AMSAT-OSCAR 6 (AO-6) was box-shaped, measuring 430mm × 300mm × 150mm, with a mass of 18.2 kg. It had a near-circular polar orbit of 1450 × 1459 km with an inclination of 101.7 degrees. It deployed two quarter-wave monopole antennas, one each for 144 and 435 MHz, and half-wave dipole antenna for 29 MHz. It remained operational for 4.5 years until a battery failure on June 21, 1977. OSCAR 6 was equipped with solar panels powering NiCd batteries, AO-6 provided 24 V at 3.5 W power to three transponders. It carried a Mode A transponder (100 kHz wide at 1 W) and provided store-and-forward morse and teletype messages (named Codestore) for later transmission. Subsystems were built in the United States, Australia, and Germany. AO-6 had a 1.3 watt transmitter into a half-wave dipole antenna. AO-6's receiver input sensitivity was approximately -100dBm (2 μV per meter) and had an AGC that provided up to 26 dB of gain reduction optimized for single-sideband modulation. The transceiver team consisted of Karl Meinzer DJ4ZC, Wallace Mercer W4RUD, Dick Daniels WA4DGU and Jan King W3GEY.

Oscar 6


January 23, 1970 - Students from The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia built this battery powered OSCAR 5 also called Australis-OSCAR 5. The satellite transmitted telemetry on both 2 meter (144.050 MHz at 50 mW) and 10 meter (29.450 MHz at 250 mW) bands that operated for 23 and 46 days respectively. Passive magnetic attitude stabilization was performed by carrying two bar magnets to align with the Earth's magnetic field in order to provide a favorable antenna footprint. The University of Melbourne compiled tracking reports from hundreds of stations in 27 countries. Milestones for OSCAR 5 included: (1) first amateur satellite to be remotely controlled, (2) first amateur satellite launch coordinated by new the AMSAT organization (previously done by Project Oscar), and (3) Arabic numbering used for OSCAR 5 instead of Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV).

Oscar 5


December 21, 1965 - Originally planned as a geostationary satellite and riding piggy-back on United States Air Force satellites, the launch vehicle had a failure and put the group into an unplanned 161 km × 33000-km orbit. About 12 amateurs communicated through OSCAR 4, during the satellite's 85 days in operation. Nonetheless, OSCAR 4 had three new milestones: (1) first higher power (3 Watt) 10 kHz wide linear transponder (144 MHz uplink and 432 MHz downlink), due to higher planned orbit, (2) first direct satellite communication between the United States and the USSR, and (3) successful development of innovative workaround procedures for satellite usage, based on launch vehicle partial failure.

Oscar 4


March 9, 1965 - OSCAR 3, again launched from Vandenberg, had 3 new milestones: (1) the satellite used the first amateur satellite transponder relaying voice contacts in the VHF 2 meter band through a 1 W 50 kHz wide linear transponder (146 MHz uplink and 144 MHz downlink), (2) was the first amateur satellite to operate using solar power, and (3) was the first amateur satellite to use beacon transmitters. 176 two-way contacts were claimed to have been made using the satellite's transponder during the 247 orbits (18 days) it remained powered-up. See the Spots page for the list.

Oscar 3


June 2, 1962 - Launched again from Vandenberg, OSCAR 2 was similar to OSCAR 1 but incorporated 3 design changes: (1) thermal coatings to achieve a cooler internal space environment, (2) added better temperature sensing as batter decayed, and (3) lowered the transmitter power output to 100 mW to extend the life of the battery. The satellite decayed only after 19 days though.

Oscar 2


December 12, 1961 - Launched at Vandenberg Airforce Base in California, USA, OSCAR 1 was a secondary payload (ballast) for Discoverer 36. OSCAR 1 had a battery powered 140 mW transmitter using 144.983 MHz in the 2-meter amateur radio band. OSCAR 1 trasnmitted 3 weeks a simple CW morse codemessage "HI."

Oscar 1

Sputnik 1

October 4, 1957 - The Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1 into an elliptical low Earth orbit as the first human-made artificial satellite to orbit the Earth. Sputnik 1 transmitted signals heard by amateur operators around the world until the satellite's batteries failed 3 weeks into operation. The satellite was in a 65° inclination allowing the majority of people on the earth and opportunity to hear and see the satellite.

Sputnik 1

Tesla Roadster

February 6, 2018 - SpaceX launches the Tesla electric roadster as a dummy payload, known as SpaceMan, for a Falcon Heavy test launch. The vehicle is attached to the upper stage of the rocket. Spaceman is now in a heliocentric orbit around the Sun.

Tesla Roadster Tracking

AO-92 Fox1D

Jan 12, 2018 - The AO-92, Fox-1D, satellite is a very popular satellite for amateur radio operators around the world. The satellite carries a single-channel transponder for mode U/V in FM. Fox-1D has an L-band converter (the AMSAT L-band downshifter experiment), which allows the FM transponder to be switched on an uplink in the 23 centimetres (9.1 in) band.

AO-92 Tracking

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Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

A low Earth orbit (LEO) is an orbit around Earth with an altitude between 160 km (99 mi) and 2,000 km (1,200 mi). LEO demonstrate an orbital period of between about 84 and 127 minutes. Orbital decay is experienced when objects are below approximately 160 km (99 mi) primarily due to atmospheric drag.

LEO Orbit

Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)

A medium Earth orbit (MEO) is an orbit around Earth with an altitude between 2,000 km (1,200 mi) and 35,786 km (22,236 mi). Medium Earth orbit's demonstrate an orbital period between about 2 and 24 hours. MEO's are sometimes called intermediate circular orbit (ICO).

MEO Orbit

High Earth Orbit (HEO)

A high Earth orbit (HEO) is an orbit around Earth with an altitude above geosynchronous orbits at 35,786 km (22,236 mi). High Earth orbit's demonstrate an orbital period greater than 24 hours. High Earth orbit’s exhibit an apparent retrograde motion. The Earth’s rotation speed is faster than the objects making the objects ground track to appear to be moving westward compared to the Earth.

HEO Orbit

Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO)

A geostationary orbit, geostationary Earth orbit, or geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO) is an orbit around earth that is circular at 35,786 km (22,236 mi) above the Earth’s equator. An object in this type of orbit follows the Earth’s rotation. This means the orbit has an orbital period each to the Earth’s rotational period of one sidereal day. The object appears to motionless to an observer on Earth. The objects do make a small figure-8 ground track motion.

Highly Elliptical Earth Orbit (HEO)

A highly elliptical orbit (HEO) is an orbit around Earth where the object has a high eccentricity. Objects with this type of orbits have an extremely elongated path around the Earth. These types of orbits have an advantage that allow the object to be over parts of the earth for long periods of time. For this type of orbit, the apogee will be high and the perigee will be low. Other names for HEO orbits have been Molniya and Tundra orbits.

Lunar or Moon Orbit

This type of orbit depicts the orbit of the Earth's Moon. The Moon orbits the Earth at an altitude between 357,000 to 399,00 km.

Graveyard Orbit

A graveyard (junk or disposal) orbit is an orbit above geosynchronous orbits, above 35,786 km (22,236 mi). Objects are moved here one their operational life is over to avoid crashing into other objects and generating more space debris.

ISS Tracker

You can track the International Space Station (ISS) from you location using either our web-based or native application. Click here to track.

ISS Tracker

ISS Position

The International Space Station (ISS) orbits the earth with a inclination of 51.6429°. This means that space station will travel up to 51.6429° North and 51.6429° South. It's viewable footprint will of course go further in each direction. To see where it is exactly, click here to track.

ISS Position

ISS Sightings

The International Space Station (ISS) orbits the earth with a period of 92.6 minutes. This means it circles the Earth about every one and half hours. To see where it is exactly, click here to track.

ISS Sightings

ISS Live

You can view the video from the International Space Station (ISS) as it circles the Earth here. The video is also available when you are using our Windows based application Satelltie Tracking.

ISS Live

Live Real Time Satellite Tracking

Calculations are based upon the Keplerian Data Elements published by NORAD. The elements sets are accurate enough to be used to calculate and predict where the satellite will be in a live and realtime fashion as long as the orbit doesn't change too much. If the satellite's orbits perturbs enough, a new set of elements needs to be published to be very accurate, but older sets still can provide useful predictions. To see just click the button to download the application from the store. After the application downloads, you'll be tracking in just a few moments. It's easy and fun!

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From the makers of WinSat™

Starting with the first Windows based satellite tracking program, WinSat™, the technology is now expanded being the first Universal Windows Program (UWP) satellite tracking application on Windows 10.

Download free app »

WinSat via AMSAT in 1990's.

View the list

See the categories and list of satellites to track here. There will be: satellite radio, satellite tv, satellite internet, satellite map satellites, satellite antenna, satellite broadband, satellite communication, satellite dish, satellite earth, satellite finder, satellite frequency, satellite for rv, satellite finder meter, satellite glass, satellite gps, satellite images, satellite imagery, satellite jobs, satellite kit, satellite launch, satellite map, satellite maps free, satellite meter, satellite navigation, satellite orbits, satellite phone, satellite receiver, satellite radar, satellite tracking, satellite televsion, satellite uplink, satellite downlink, satellite view, satellite view of my house, satellite weather, satellite watch, satelltie zones, satellite zoom, silverlight satellite tracking, and satellite zoom into earth. ISS sightings over your city and spot the station.

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Space formulas and Algorithms

View the following page.

See all the formulas and algorithms »

ISS Location

This page provides some information about the station.

International Space Station ISS »

Spaces after period controversy?

Calibri (proportional font):   My son says one space after a period looks good at the end of a sentence (1 space next).  I say two spaces after the period is better. My son says one space after a period looks good at the end of a sentence (2 spaces next).   I say two spaces after the period is better.

Courier (mono-space font):   My son says one space after a period looks good at the end of a sentence (1 space next).  I say two spaces after the period is better. My son says one space after a period looks good at the end of a sentence (2 spaces next).   I say two spaces after the period is better.