Line Islands Standard Time

The current date and time is: (Line Islands Standard Time):

Line Islands Standard Time

This time zone does not support daylight savings time.
The daylight name is: Line Islands Daylight Time.
This time zone covers the following region and/or area: (UTC+14:00) Kiritimati Island.

The time change rules for this time zone are as follows:

No time zone rule specified for this time zone.

Local Time Date and Timezone

World Time Zones

Number of time zones: 141

Time ZoneTimeDateName
(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West2:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Dateline Standard Time
(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-113:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024UTC-11
(UTC-10:00) Aleutian Islands5:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Aleutian Standard Time
(UTC-10:00) Hawaii4:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Hawaiian Standard Time
(UTC-09:30) Marquesas Islands4:44 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Marquesas Standard Time
(UTC-09:00) Alaska6:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Alaskan Standard Time
(UTC-09:00) Coordinated Universal Time-095:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024UTC-09
(UTC-08:00) Baja California7:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)
(UTC-08:00) Coordinated Universal Time-086:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024UTC-08
(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)7:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Pacific Standard Time
(UTC-07:00) Arizona7:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024US Mountain Standard Time
(UTC-07:00) La Paz, Mazatlan7:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)
(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)8:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Mountain Standard Time
(UTC-07:00) Yukon7:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Yukon Standard Time
(UTC-06:00) Central America8:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Central America Standard Time
(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)9:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Central Standard Time
(UTC-06:00) Easter Island9:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Easter Island Standard Time
(UTC-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey8:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Central Standard Time (Mexico)
(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan8:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Canada Central Standard Time
(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Branco9:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024SA Pacific Standard Time
(UTC-05:00) Chetumal9:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)
(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)10:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Eastern Standard Time
(UTC-05:00) Haiti10:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Haiti Standard Time
(UTC-05:00) Havana10:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Cuba Standard Time
(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)10:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024US Eastern Standard Time
(UTC-05:00) Turks and Caicos10:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Turks And Caicos Standard Time
(UTC-04:00) Asuncion11:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Paraguay Standard Time
(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)11:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Atlantic Standard Time
(UTC-04:00) Caracas10:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Venezuela Standard Time
(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba10:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Central Brazilian Standard Time
(UTC-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan10:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024SA Western Standard Time
(UTC-04:00) Santiago11:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Pacific SA Standard Time
(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland11:44 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Newfoundland Standard Time
(UTC-03:00) Araguaina11:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Tocantins Standard Time
(UTC-03:00) Brasilia11:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024E. South America Standard Time
(UTC-03:00) Cayenne, Fortaleza11:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024SA Eastern Standard Time
(UTC-03:00) City of Buenos Aires11:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Argentina Standard Time
(UTC-03:00) Montevideo11:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Montevideo Standard Time
(UTC-03:00) Punta Arenas11:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Magallanes Standard Time
(UTC-03:00) Saint Pierre and Miquelon12:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Saint Pierre Standard Time
(UTC-03:00) Salvador11:14 PMSunday, October 6, 2024Bahia Standard Time
(UTC-02:00) Coordinated Universal Time-0212:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024UTC-02
(UTC-02:00) Greenland1:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Greenland Standard Time
(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic - Old12:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Mid-Atlantic Standard Time
(UTC-01:00) Azores2:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Azores Standard Time
(UTC-01:00) Cabo Verde Is.1:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Cape Verde Standard Time
(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time2:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024UTC
(UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London3:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024GMT Standard Time
(UTC+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjavik2:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Greenwich Standard Time
(UTC+00:00) Sao Tome2:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Sao Tome Standard Time
(UTC+01:00) Casablanca3:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Morocco Standard Time
(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna4:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024W. Europe Standard Time
(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague4:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Central Europe Standard Time
(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris4:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Romance Standard Time
(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb4:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Central European Standard Time
(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa3:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024W. Central Africa Standard Time
(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024GTB Standard Time
(UTC+02:00) Beirut5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Middle East Standard Time
(UTC+02:00) Cairo5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Egypt Standard Time
(UTC+02:00) Chisinau5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024E. Europe Standard Time
(UTC+02:00) Gaza, Hebron5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024West Bank Standard Time
(UTC+02:00) Harare, Pretoria4:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024South Africa Standard Time
(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024FLE Standard Time
(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Israel Standard Time
(UTC+02:00) Juba4:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024South Sudan Standard Time
(UTC+02:00) Kaliningrad4:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Kaliningrad Standard Time
(UTC+02:00) Khartoum4:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Sudan Standard Time
(UTC+02:00) Tripoli4:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Libya Standard Time
(UTC+02:00) Windhoek4:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Namibia Standard Time
(UTC+03:00) Amman5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Jordan Standard Time
(UTC+03:00) Baghdad5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Arabic Standard Time
(UTC+03:00) Damascus5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Syria Standard Time
(UTC+03:00) Istanbul5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Turkey Standard Time
(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Arab Standard Time
(UTC+03:00) Minsk5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Belarus Standard Time
(UTC+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Russian Standard Time
(UTC+03:00) Nairobi5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024E. Africa Standard Time
(UTC+03:00) Volgograd5:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Volgograd Standard Time
(UTC+03:30) Tehran5:44 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Iran Standard Time
(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat6:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Arabian Standard Time
(UTC+04:00) Astrakhan, Ulyanovsk6:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Astrakhan Standard Time
(UTC+04:00) Baku6:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Azerbaijan Standard Time
(UTC+04:00) Izhevsk, Samara6:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Russia Time Zone 3
(UTC+04:00) Port Louis6:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Mauritius Standard Time
(UTC+04:00) Saratov6:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Saratov Standard Time
(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi6:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Georgian Standard Time
(UTC+04:00) Yerevan6:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Caucasus Standard Time
(UTC+04:30) Kabul6:44 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Afghanistan Standard Time
(UTC+05:00) Ashgabat, Tashkent7:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024West Asia Standard Time
(UTC+05:00) Astana7:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Qyzylorda Standard Time
(UTC+05:00) Ekaterinburg7:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Ekaterinburg Standard Time
(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi7:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Pakistan Standard Time
(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi7:44 AMMonday, October 7, 2024India Standard Time
(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura7:44 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Sri Lanka Standard Time
(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu7:59 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Nepal Standard Time
(UTC+06:00) Bishkek8:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Central Asia Standard Time
(UTC+06:00) Dhaka8:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Bangladesh Standard Time
(UTC+06:00) Omsk8:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Omsk Standard Time
(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)8:44 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Myanmar Standard Time
(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta9:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024SE Asia Standard Time
(UTC+07:00) Barnaul, Gorno-Altaysk9:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Altai Standard Time
(UTC+07:00) Hovd9:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024W. Mongolia Standard Time
(UTC+07:00) Krasnoyarsk9:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024North Asia Standard Time
(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk9:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024N. Central Asia Standard Time
(UTC+07:00) Tomsk9:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Tomsk Standard Time
(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi10:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024China Standard Time
(UTC+08:00) Irkutsk10:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024North Asia East Standard Time
(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore10:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Singapore Standard Time
(UTC+08:00) Perth10:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024W. Australia Standard Time
(UTC+08:00) Taipei10:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Taipei Standard Time
(UTC+08:00) Ulaanbaatar10:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Ulaanbaatar Standard Time
(UTC+08:45) Eucla10:59 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Aus Central W. Standard Time
(UTC+09:00) Chita11:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Transbaikal Standard Time
(UTC+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo11:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Tokyo Standard Time
(UTC+09:00) Pyongyang11:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024North Korea Standard Time
(UTC+09:00) Seoul11:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Korea Standard Time
(UTC+09:00) Yakutsk11:14 AMMonday, October 7, 2024Yakutsk Standard Time
(UTC+09:30) Adelaide12:44 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Cen. Australia Standard Time
(UTC+09:30) Darwin11:44 AMMonday, October 7, 2024AUS Central Standard Time
(UTC+10:00) Brisbane12:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024E. Australia Standard Time
(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney1:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024AUS Eastern Standard Time
(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby12:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024West Pacific Standard Time
(UTC+10:00) Hobart1:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Tasmania Standard Time
(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok12:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Vladivostok Standard Time
(UTC+10:30) Lord Howe Island1:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Lord Howe Standard Time
(UTC+11:00) Bougainville Island1:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Bougainville Standard Time
(UTC+11:00) Chokurdakh1:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Russia Time Zone 10
(UTC+11:00) Magadan1:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Magadan Standard Time
(UTC+11:00) Norfolk Island2:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Norfolk Standard Time
(UTC+11:00) Sakhalin1:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Sakhalin Standard Time
(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia1:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Central Pacific Standard Time
(UTC+12:00) Anadyr, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky2:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Russia Time Zone 11
(UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellington3:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024New Zealand Standard Time
(UTC+12:00) Coordinated Universal Time+122:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024UTC+12
(UTC+12:00) Fiji2:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Fiji Standard Time
(UTC+12:00) Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Old3:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Kamchatka Standard Time
(UTC+12:45) Chatham Islands3:59 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Chatham Islands Standard Time
(UTC+13:00) Coordinated Universal Time+133:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024UTC+13
(UTC+13:00) Nuku'alofa3:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Tonga Standard Time
(UTC+13:00) Samoa3:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Samoa Standard Time
(UTC+14:00) Kiritimati Island4:14 PMMonday, October 7, 2024Line Islands Standard Time
Timezone: Line Islands Standard Time
Locale: en-US
# of minutes delta from UTC: 840
Standard: Line Islands Standard Time
Daylight: Line Islands Daylight Time

Date and Time in Various Languages

QuestionLanguageLanguage (in English)
What time is it?EnglishEnglish
Hoe laat is dit?-Afrikaans
Sa eshte ora?-Albanian
ስንት ሰዓት ነው?-Amharic
أي ساعة؟-Arabic
Ժամը քանիսն է?-Armenian
Saat neçədir?-Azerbaijani
Zer ordu da?-Basque
Колькі часу?-Belarusian
ক 'টা বাজে?-Bengali
Koliko je sati?-Bosnian
Колко е часът?-Bulgarian
Quina hora es?-Catalan
Unsa nga panahon kini?-Cebuano
Nthawi ili bwanji?-Chichewa
几点了?-Chinese (Simplified)
幾點了?-Chinese (Traditional)
Chì ora hè?-Corsican
Koliko je sati?-Croation
Kolik je hodin?-Czech
Hvad er klokken?-Danish
Hoe laat is het?-Dutch
Kioma horo estas?-Esperanto
Mis kell on?-Estonian
Anong oras na?-Filipino
Paljonko kello on?-Finnish
Quelle heure est-il ?-French
Hoe let is it?-Frisian
Que hora é?-Galician
რომელი საათია?-Georgian
Wie spät ist es?-German
Τι ώρα είναι?-Greek
કેટલા વાગ્યા?-Gujarati
Ki le li ye?-Haitian Creole
Wani lokaci ne?-Hausa
ʻo ka hola ʻehia kēia?-Hawaiian
?מה השעה-Hebrew
क्या समय हुआ है ?-Hindi
Lub sijhawm twg?-Hmong
Mennyi az idő?-Hungarian
Hvað er klukkan?-Icelandic
Kedu ihe na-akụ?-Igbo
Jam berapa sekarang?-Indonesian
Cén t-am é?-Irish
Che ore sono?-Italian
Wektu apa iku?-Javanese
ಈಗ ಸಮಯ ಎಷ್ಟು?-Kannada
Уақыт қанша?-Kazakh
몇 시죠?-Korean
Demjimêr çende?-Kurdish
Саат канча болду?-Kyrgyz
Quid temporem est?-Latin
Cik ir pulkstenis?-Latvian
Kiek dabar valandų?-Lithuanian
Wéi vill Auer ass et?-Luxembourgish
Колку е часот?-Macedonian
Apa masa itu?-Malay
Amin'ny firy izao?-Malagasy
സമയം എത്രയായി?-Malayalam
X'ħin hu?-Maltese
He aha te wa?-Maori
हे काय वेळ आहे?-Marathi
Цаг хэд болж байна?-Mongolian
कति बज्यो?-Nepali
Hva er klokka?-Norwegian (Bokål)
Hva er klokka?-Norwegian (Nynorsk)
اوس څه وخت دې؟-Pashto
ساعت چند است؟-Persian
Która godzina?-Polish
Que horas são?-Portuguese
ਸਮਾਂ ਕੀ ਹੈ?-Punjabi
Cât este ceasul?-Romanian
Который сейчас час?-Russian
Ua ta se fia?-Samoan
Колико је сати?-Serbian (Cyrillic)
Dè an uair a tha e?-Scotts Gaelic
Ke nako mang?-Sesetho
ڇا ٽائيم ٿيو آهي؟-Sindhi
වේලාව කීයද?-Sinhala
Koľko je hodín?-Slovak
Koliko je ura?-Slovenian
Waqtigee ayay tahay?-Somalian
¿Que hora es ?-Spanish
Jam sabaraha ieu?-Sudanese
Ni saa ngapi?-Swahili
Vad är klockan?-Swedish
Соат чанд?-Tajik
என்ன நேரம் இது?-Tamil
ఇప్పుడు సమయం ఎంత?-Telugu
Saat kaç?-Turkish
Котра година?-Ukrainian
کیا وقت ہوا ہے؟-Urdu
Soat nechchi bo'ldi?-Uzbek (Latin)
Mấy giờ rồi?-Vietnamese
Pa amser ydyw?-Welsh
Ngubani ixesha?-Xhosa
וואס איז דער צייט?-Yiddish
Ogogo melo ni o lu?-Yoruba
Kungasiphi isikhathi?-Zulu

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